11 July 2023

KDPW launched new website dedicated to reporting services

KDPW launched new website dedicated to reporting services - KDPW_CCP
KDPW Group provides a comprehensive range of post-trade services for the European capital market – and beyond. The Group’s activities include full range of CSD & CCP service as well as EMIR and SFTR Trade Repository, LOU and National Numbering Agency.

For the convenience of clients using its reporting services, KDPW has developed a dedicated English-language website for users of EMIR TR, SFTR TR and ARM services under the brand KDPW TR+. All information useful to existing and prospective clients of KDPW’s reporting services is available at one place on www.trplus.kdpw.pl.

KDPW is fully authorised by ESMA - the European Securities and Markets Authority - as an EU trade repository under EMIR and SFTR and by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority as an approved reporting mechanism (ARM) under MiFID2/MiFIR.

Over the years, operating in an evolving market and regulatory environment, the KDPW Group has developed a complementary package of services which address today’s needs of the most advanced financial hubs, had its services authorised, and successfully expanded with its offering beyond Poland.