A2A Certificates - KDPW_CCP

A2A Certificates

Modernisation of A2A communication

The work undertaken by the KDPW Group in this area is aimed at continuously improving the security of the IT systems used in the services provided to you in response to new risks to cyber security. In this regard, secure connections between IT systems in the A2A model are particularly relevant, both for the communication and in the context of ensuring the continuity of services. At the same time, we are standardising A2A communication functions across all services provided by the KDPW Group.

The area of issuing and using electronic certificates to authenticate systems for MQ -based communication systems will be modernised.

It is planned to:
  • abandoning personal certificates,
  • standardisation of the structure of certificates (by introducing uniform cryptographic algorithms),
  • unification of the place where certificates are stored,
  • unification of the way certificates are used in all services of the KDPW Group. The process of applying for a certificate will be handled by a dedicated application within the Services Portal online.kdpw.pl based on a private key generated directly by the applicant. Moreover, uniform rules will be introduced as regards segregation of services within A2A communication, unification of names in queue configuration, and management of access to test environments.

The changes will be implemented in two steps:
  • May 2023 - the changes covered the A2A communication of the EMIR TR, SFTR TR, ARM (excluding SWI communications), and LEI services,
  • February 2025 - modernisation of SWI communication, i.e., services for KDPW direct members (including ARM and Compensation Scheme services) and KDPW_CCP clearing members.
As part of the changes, in addition to the transfer of the model introduced in stage one of the project to the SWI services area, authentication for MQ communication in KDPW and KDPW_CCP will be separated at the KDPW Group level. This means that you will need to request a separate certificate to establish A2A communication with KDPW_CCP. We will also change the ESDK protocol by waiving verification of the digital signature of transmitted messages. The whole process will involve changes that move away from the current model of bilateral agreements and the SWI Rules.